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Call to Action update in Oklahoma.  The truth about the fungus/bacteria study. TV show makes a great point. Compromise means admitting “guilt.” CASAA still needs members to join our Facebook state groups and moderators!

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OKLAHOMA: (CALL TO ACTION!) CASAA has learned that HB 1389, which would ban vaping in the same places where smoking is prohibited is likely to come up for a vote in the full senate TODAY. Every vaper and their friends in OK need to ACT NOW!OK – Stop a Vaping Place Ban!

INDIANA: (UPDATE!) A 20% sin tax on safer alternatives to smoking reportedly died without vote Wed. after dropping to 5%. Sponsors Tim Brown & Ed Charbonneau said they couldn’t muster support in their caucuses for even that amount.

Indiana e-cigarette tax dies on last day of legislature

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Ignore the headlines. Vape fungus/bacteria study authors admit levels found even “lower than in the occupational environment” (ie. workplace air.) NOTE: “Beta” glucans are also found in PLANTS (not just scary-sounding “fungus”) & have been used to TREAT diabetes, HIV/AIDS and even cancer. They have also been found to help with respiratory infections. “Glucans” are a lot more complex than what is being reported.

Study Finds Signs Of Bacteria And Fungi In Many Vaping Products

On a recent episode of the TV show Madame Secretary she said, “You’re conjuring hypothetical people in order to distract real people from a real issue.”The same could be said about conjuring hypothetical teens who “might” start smoking after vaping to distract from REAL issue of 34+ mil ADULTS who smoke LOSING access.

If you try to compromise with ANTZ on taxes, online bans, indoor bans, c-store bans, etc. because a youth vaping “epidemic” is “erasing progress,” you’re compromising on a LIE. You’ve just ADMITTED GUILT to something that doesn’t even exist and THEY WIN.

Vital Signs: Tobacco Product Use Among Middle …

We are still in desperate need of moderators (and members!) for Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia!


If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through your state! Click here to find your state group: CASAA State Facebook Group List

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And don’t forget to officially join CASAA. Membership is FREE. CASAA is made stronger with every voice we can count!

This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh

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