Heads Up – News – Updates 11.11.2019

Call to Action and Rally in Illinois November 12th. Trump tweets he’ll be meeting with vape “industry.” CASAA CEO Alex Clark’s D.C. Rally speech plus MSM articles about rally. Minnesota lawmakers want to ban flavors and more. West Virginia financial adviser suggests flavor bans will stop lost cigarette revenue. Editorial in The Federalist.

ILLINOIS: (UPDATED CALL TO ACTION!) HB 3883, which would BAN the sale of FLAVORED VAPOR PRODUCTS is scheduled for a hearing on

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
3:00 PM
Human Services Committee

Prior to the hearing, please take a moment to fill out a “witness slip” for the hearing.

IL – Stop a Flavor Ban! (Update)

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump has announced on Twitter that his administration will be meeting with “industry.” That should NOT just mean tobacco companies, but small businesses! And the MAIN STAKEHOLDERS in this issue are the millions of voting CONSUMERS who rely on these products. Consumer reps should be included in these meetings!

ADVOCACY: (ILLINOIS) RALLY against the FLAVOR BAN & meeting with lawmakers is TOMORROW, TUES 11/12, at the capitol building! Ride, t-shirts & signs provided. Show up not just for Illinois, but for vapers across the nation!

MINNESOTA: (HEADS UP!) Lawmakers intentionally confuse public using lung illness outbreak (which CDC evidence shows is unrelated to retail nicotine products) to ban flavored vapor products and deny adults 18-20 who smoke access to the safer alternatives.

Legislature aims to raise state nicotine purchasing age, ban flavored vapes

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Financial adviser tells West Virginia state tobacco panel cigarette sales fell 5.5%, likely because of vaping but, “The general sense is, if [flavor] bans go into effect in a significant way, it could actually benefit combustible cigarettes,” he said.

Rising popularity of vaping blamed for drop in WV’s tobacco settlement payment

IN THE NEWS: (D.C. RALLY) Read articles about the rally in Rolling Stone and Vice!

The Vaping Industry Is Furious at President Trump — Could it Cost Him the Election?

‘Mango Is Not a Crime’: Trump-Supporting Vapers Stormed D.C.

CONSUMER ADVOCACY: Watch CASAA CEO Alex Clark’s speech at the D.C. #WeVapeWeVote Rally!

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EDITORIAL: (Tristan Justice, The Federalist) Will The Trump Administration’s Ban On E-Cigs Help Teens, Hurt Smokers, Or Both?

Many fear that the administration crack-down on electronic cigarettes will have far greater consequences for public health than addicting teens.

Will Trump Admin’s Ban On E-Cigs Help Teens, Hurt Smokers, Or Both?

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This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh

This entry was posted in Alex Clark, All posts, e cigarettes, flavor ban, Illinois, Minnesota, News, news-all, Rally, Smokeless Tobacco, Trump, Vaping, Vaping News, Washington DC. Bookmark the permalink.