2018 In Review: Thank You To Our Supporters!
As 2019 came roaring in with the introduction of more than 175 bills in state legislatures, we’re reaching out to let our members know how grateful we are for your support of CASAA in 2018!
2018 In Review: Thank You To Our Supporters! – CASAA
IN THE NEWS: (MIDDLEBORO, MA) Morissa Vital, Program Manager for the Southeast Tobacco-Free Community Partnership, WRONGLY “dispelled myths that [vapor products] are any safer than actual cigarettes” and exaggerated health impact of “numerous chemicals and byproducts.” Both Vital and Middleboro Health Officer Robert Buker recommended laws could inadvertently limit efficacy and adult access to products that may actually REDUCE cancer risk in a town with higher lung cancer rate.
Middleboro Selectmen discuss restrictions on tobacco, vape products
SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA: (HEADS UP!) Slippery slope of #smoking bans…city offering landlords class that apparently equates #vaping with …. and opioid use as “unhealthy for housing.” Appears it will recommend prohibiting smoke-free vaping in rentals.
Property owners to learn about smoke-free housing policies
AROUND THE WORLD: (Commentary by Alice Wu) Hong Kong’s bizarre e-cigarettes ban will boost traditional tobacco products rather than reduce smoking: “Usually, the more that adults “ban” something, the greater the incentive to do what is not allowed.”

E-cigarette ban is clueless, elitist government at its worst
CONNECTICUT: (HEADS UP!) Governor Ned Lamont apparently considers quitting #smoking and switching to far safer alternative #vaping products “sins of the 21st century” worthy of 75% tax. CT lawmakers already considering a 50% tax bill.
Tax on sugary drinks tops Lamont’s list of new ‘sin taxes’
AROUND THE WORLD: (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) Sale of #Vaping products to finally be legal in UAE: “We issued the regulation to legalise it…the Authority is working hard through the development of technical standards and regulations.” – Director of ESMA
E-cigarettes to be legal in UAE from mid-April
SAN ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) City considers ban of flavored #vaping & #smokefree #tobacco products, reducing appeal to adult #smokers and #vapers switching to far safer alternative products. Councilman says won’t be “much of a burden” for shops.
San Anselmo considers flavored tobacco ban – Marin Independent Journal
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) County Public Health advocates restricting sales and a ban on flavored #vaping & #smokefree #tobacco products, which would lead to far fewer adult #smokers switching to and #vapers using very low risk alternatives.
County Health Officials Propose Tobacco Retail Policy, Law Changes to Protect Youth
AUSTIN, MINNESOTA: (HEADS UP!) City Council holding public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 19, in the Council Chambers for ordinance denying adult #smokers and #vapers 18-20 access to much safer alternative #vaping and #smokefree products.
MAINE: (CALL TO ACTION!) Bill LD 551 would ban the sale of ALL nicotine-containing e-liquid. Scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 1:00 PM. Take action NOW!
This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh