Heads Up – News – Updates 2.8.2019

WYOMING: (HEADS UP!) House Bill 282, first killed on Thursday then quickly revised and approved, will regulate #vaping products the same as #tobacco. On plus side, sin tax has been removed, subjecting #vaping products only to regular sales tax.

Wyoming House revives bill to regulate vaping

CONNECTICUT: (HEADS UP!) Senate Bill 397 would ban the sale of all flavored #vaping products other than #tobacco, mint and menthol flavors, denying adult #vapers access to the flavors that help them quit #smoking. Corresponding House bill is HB 6404.

Haskell Endorses Initiatives Against Opioids, Vaping

NEW MARKET, NEW HAMPSHIRE: (UPDATE) New town ordinance makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy, possess and use tobacco and #vaping products, denying adult #smokers and #vapers 18-20 access to much safer alternatives.

Newmarket raises to 21 minimum age for tobacco, e-cigarettes

IN THE NEWS: FDA TPSAC Committee, at which CASAA CEO @Hello_Alex Alex Clark testified (in addition to the Swedish Match hearing), voted that the scientific evidence SUPPORTED proposed modified risk label. CASAA’s written TPSAC comments post forthcoming.

USSTC’s Modified-Risk Application for Copenhagen Moves Through FDA Committee

NEW JERSEY: (UPDATE & HEADS UP!) Assembly Bill 4896, which would require adult consumers be present to sign for delivery of their #vaping products, has passed in committee.

Conaway, Armato, Vainieri Huttle Bill Restricting Delivery of Electronic Smoking Devices and Tobacco Products to Residences Clears Assembly Committee – Insider NJ

This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh

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