VT – Stop an outrageous tax on Vaping!
COLORADO: (HEADS UP!) Bill banning public vaping passes in House, moving to Senate. Indoor bans not only take away right of business to choose, they mislead public to believe vaping is harmful, which leads to support for high taxes, flavor bans, etc.
Bill banning e-cigarette use indoors passes Colorado House; heads to Senate
ADVOCACY: Hundreds of pending anti-vaping laws. 3 million+ consumers. Less than 10% have joined CASAA. Just 11,677 CASAA testimonials. CASAA State groups with fewer than 10 members.
CASAA’s strength is in the number of voices in its membership, and those members being informed and taking action.
Click the links below to join, testify, stay informed and take action!
Add Your Story: http://bit.ly/2DmficM
Join Your State Group: CASAA.org – The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
ASPEN, COLORADO: (UPDATE) FLAVOR BAN! City is “coordinating with tobacco retailers,” but likely not hearing from CONSUMERS LIKE YOU. Tweet or Facebook message @CityOfAspen, call, email or attend a work session to give your opinion!
Aspen Contact Info: http://bit.ly/2IOzffQ
BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA: (HEADS UP!) Without any evidence of risk to bystanders, city plans to BAN #VAPING OUTDOORS. Misinformed Councilman claims “It’s out of control. With the high amount of nicotine, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll be addicted.”
This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh