IN THE NEWS: FDA proposes deadline of 10 months from final court ruling for vape companies to submit premarket applications. “Small vapor manufacturers would not be able to satisfy the requirements and will need to remove their products from the market.”
FDA Proposes New Deadline for E-Cigarette Applications
WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN: (UPDATE) City treats low risk vaping like smoking, prohibiting businesses from allowing vaping in their establishments & misleading public on risks. And a redundant minor ban because already illegal to sell nicotine to minors in WI.
Despite objections, e-cig rules advance
RESEARCH: Youth use and awareness survey shows pod device use “less prevalent amongst young people in the U.S. than many media commentators have been suggesting.”
Researchers found that “approximately 45.5% of 15 to 17 year olds in the U.S. and 29.1% of 13 to 14 year olds had heard or seen the device.”
(We hope one question asked was “Did you first hear about/see it in an ad for the product or in a public service commercial with puppets?”)
New research on the prevalence of JUUL use and awareness amongst US youth age 13 to 17
OREGON: (HEADS UP!) House Revenue Committee moved on previously stalled HB 2270 yesterday, subjecting vapor products to a 65% wholesale tax and also removing preemption on local taxes. If it passes in the legislature, it will go to November 2020 ballot.
Once Stalled, A Cigarette Tax Hike Is Moving In Oregon Capitol
WISCONSIN: (UPDATE) Budget Committee has amended Gov. Evers’ 71% list price tax on vapor products to 5¢/mL. While this is a large reduction, CASAA maintains that low risk vapor products that help adults quit smoking should NOT be subject to ANY sin tax!
Wisconsin budget committee approves more than $450 million in income tax cuts
PENNSYLVANIA: (HEADS UP!) Senator wants to extend smoking ban to outdoors and anywhere else the current ban exempts AND add low risk vaping to the ban. Be careful when agreeing that vaping should be banned where smoking is – soon that will be everywhere!
Sen. Dan Laughlin seeks tougher smoking ban for Pennsylvania
This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh