IN THE NEWS: (FDA) A judge ruled Friday that vapor product companies must submit applications to FDA by May 2020. Products pending applications may stay on market up to one year while FDA considers their applications, but FDA also given “discretion.”
Bloomberg – Are you a robot?
THE MORE YOU KNOW: (NEVADA) Smoking rates (which were already declining, possibly b/c of vaping) barely budged since initially dropping after 2015 law more than doubled the cigarette tax. Now a 30% VAPE TAX will ensure even FEWER PEOPLE WILL QUIT SMOKING.
Has Nevada’s cigarette tax hike worked? 2015 law could offer clues for new vaping tax
THE MORE YOU KNOW: (RESEARCH) Study finds adults who vape more likely to quit smoking, but say former smokers who vape more likely to relapse. This ignores the fact that relapse is common & those facing relapse likely just tried vaping “cigalikes” first! Unlikely that a former smoker who doesn’t feel an urge to smoke would even buy a vapor product.
Adults who vape are more likely to quit cigarettes, study finds – CNN
BOULDER CITY, COLORADO: (HEADS UP!) Boulder City Council meeting at 6 p.m. TONIGHT (7/16) to discuss possible flavor ban, Tobacco/Vapor 21 and other restrictions on vapor products that would severely limit adult access to far safer products!
Boulder Valley School District parent group urging Boulder City Council to regulate e-cigarettes
RESEARCH: U.S. National Institutes of Health survey study, published July 15 in the journal Substance Use & Misuse, suggests banning flavors and lowering nicotine levels in vapor products is “a strategy that could backfire.”
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI: (HEADS UP!) Council to VOTE TONIGHT on denying adults 18-20 who smoke access to safer alternatives. Local doctor says “Adults who are wanting to quit smoking are not interested in flavors,” but FDA-approved Nicorette apparently disagrees.
City council to vote on regulations regarding Tobacco 21
VENTURA, CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) City moving towards flavor/online sales bans, irrationally removing safer alternatives to smoking from the market, while leaving cigarettes and other combustible products freely sold throughout the city!
Ventura moves toward banning flavored tobacco, in shops and online
This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh