CATTARAUGUS COUNTY, NEW YORK: (UPDATE) Flavored e-liquid ban temporarily tabled Wednesday by the Cattaraugus County Legislature’s Human Services Committee. “We feel it is better to wait…State Legislature is expected to address the issue in the spring.”
Local law banning flavored e-cigarette ‘juice’ tabled in Cattaraugus County Legislature
EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO: (HEADS UP!) County awaits survey results to deny adults 18-20 who smoke access to far safer products, increase cost for all vapers with 40¢ per mL “sin” tax designed to discourage switching to vaping.
Eagle County looks to raise minimum age for tobacco purchase to 21
THE MORE YOU KNOW: Anti-nicotine groups envision a happy, nicotine-free world, but evidence suggests nicotine consumers who may self-medicate are at higher risk for substance use disorder after quitting. Is the solution very low risk nicotine alternatives?
Former smokers are picking up some terrible habits that pose major health risks
LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) County lawmakers bow to ANTZ pressure, propose ordinance to ban the non-tobacco flavor vapor products shown to help adults quit smoking and stay quit, leaving most popular unflavored cigarettes freely sold everywhere.
COMMENTARY: (Michelle Minton, CEI) “Anti-tobacco research has become more religion than science, where anyone who dares to deviate from or even question the prevailing dogma is cast out as a heretic.” Dogma = deny very low risk nicotine products exist.
Heretics in the Church of Tobacco Control
CARBONDALE, COLORADO: (HEADS UP!) City lawmakers bow to ANTZ pressure, propose ordinance to ban the non-tobacco flavor vapor products shown to help adults quit smoking and stay quit, leaving most popular unflavored cigarettes freely sold everywhere.
Carbondale may join Glenwood, Aspen in flavored tobacco ban
IN THE NEWS: Why is it that Colorado, with “the highest prevalence of teen vaping in the entire country,” has had only 1 confirmed hospitalization? Maybe because legal THC products are safer there, even those purchased by teens on the black market?
First case of severe lung illness related to vaping confirmed in Colorado
This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh