Revolution in Smoking: E-Cigarettes


Electronic cigarettes are a way you can continue smoking while reducing the health risks involved with smoking actual cigarettes. This is because e-cigarettes have a reduced amount of nicotine content than traditional cigarettes, and they do not have any of the carcinogenic ingredients present in tobacco and tar, which cause severe illnesses, and can make you physically unfit overall.

The e-cigarette is reusable. It gets charged through an electronic outlet or a car charger, which is why you wouldn’t need to worry about ash or disposing cigarette butts. It is meant to provide smokers with all the substance and familiarity they achieve from regular cigarettes in a more health conservative way.

The reason why reduced nicotine content is advisable for habitual smokers is that the health risks attached to nicotine are several and extremely dangerous. Addiction is a recognized mental illness, whether it is to nicotine or cocaine, because any foreign substance that has the power to alter your brain chemistry fulfils the prerequisites of creating addiction inside a person’s mind and body.

Electronic cigarettes are operated by a lithium battery. It does not require any flame so there is no danger of accidentally setting things on fire. There are plenty of replacement batteries available so you do not have to go through the expense of purchasing packets and packets of cigarettes. The accessibility of the cigarettes also makes it easier for you to smoke less, as you would not have to constantly worry about where and when you will buy your next packet from.

Since the smoke that comes from the e-cigarettes is basically vapor, it is odorless and presents no dangerous of secondhand smoke. This way you can smoke these cigarettes anywhere you want without receiving complains about health risks and without irritating other people.

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Dr Beauregard in Alcatraz using an electronic cigarette

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How do ecig discount codes work?



Everyone likes a great bargain. Electric cigarette coupon codes and discounts are freely available on the internet. This article points you not only to the best deals but also my goal is to tell you how the entire system works behind the scenes – who makes money when. Google is your friend but ecig related discounts are of three types:

  1. Promo codes on the ecig website itself
  2. Discount codes on the review websites
  3. Coupon codes on the various coupon sites out there

Promo codes on the websites are the most recent and are never expired and hence result in low frustration. Also the ecig companies make most money on these transactions as they do not share revenue with a middleman.

Discount codes on the review sites are the next best – they may be expired and cause some frustration for buyers. They also result in the ecig companies having to share some money with the review sites – usually something in tune with the discount amount itself. Yes, the ecig company incurs a double cost.

In case of coupon codes on coupon sites – these are many times stale and the coupon site mooches of the ecig site anyway. The ecig site ends up paying to the coupon site anyway (affiliate marketing reasons).

The reason that the cost to the electronic cigarette company matters is because the company has no choice but to pass on the additional marketing costs to customers. There is no such thing as a free puff. Hence buyers are advised to stay with the promo codes on the website or use discount codes from the review websites as long as the review website was really key to your choice of selecting that particular brand.

There is no harm in sharing credit where it is due. But just make sure that we are all able to keep costs down for ecig cartridges. Believe it or not – the customer decides the prices of cartridges in the long run.


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What is in an electronic cigarette ?


An electronic cigarette aims to provide nicotine in vapor form with a mix of ingredients that provide flavor and act as soothing agents. There are three main ingredient types:

1) Medium/base

2) Active ingredients

3) Flavors

These together provide the ecig vapor with all its characteristics namely: taste, tang, smell, vapor density and even its aftertaste. There are more subtle effects such as throat hit, dryness(rather the lack of it) and even how long the cartridge lasts.

  • Base: Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerin. Both are FDA approved ingredients (yes, even Propylene Glycol is FDA approved)
  • Base: Food-grade Glycerol
  • Base: Distilled water
  • Active ingredient: Nicotine
  • Natural Flavors
  • Artificial flavors
  • Flavor: Citric Acid
This is pretty much standard across most ecig brands with the exception of citric acid. But then what makes one electric cigarette cartridge better than others? It is definitely due to e-liquid related factors such as quality ingredients and achieving the right concentration but also due to cartridge design and they way that the cartomizer fits the battery.
Some companies also add ingredients such as alcohol and various oils. E-juice is not at all expensive so usually reputable companies need not skimp on quality ingredients. But some do. For instance using alcohol instead of Propylene Glycol or Glycerin reduces shelf life significantly in exchange for very little cost savings. These companies pay much higher in the longer term in the form of expensive advertising, lost customers and cartridges that make it sooner to landfills.
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Dessert ecigs?

Read about this article on Steve K’s vaping world (excellent ecig blog site BTW)

This company sells ecigs in several dessert flavors. They also claim that vaping ecig are healthier than desserts. Making such claims is plain wrong on many levels:

1) Irresponsible – selling ecigs as being healthy is totally misleading. Yes – they are healthier than traditional tobacco cigarettes but they are not an dieting alternative!

2) When they make such claims they get the entire industry into trouble. If ecig companies cannot control themselves they will invoke the ire of Senators and Congressmen who will use an iron fist and rule in favor of the cigarette lobbies.

3) Are they marketing to non-smokers? That would not be a good thing: in fact that would be a very bad thing. TheMagicMist and other honest ecig companies such as SafeCig would probably tell you that when it comes to choosing amongst a nicotine vs. a nicotine-free lifestyle, the latter always wins. Being a slave to an addiction is not a sign of freedom but quite the opposite.

Please don’t market ecigs as a health product. It is healthier but not healthy per-se.

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Announcement: TheMagicMist launches replacement batteries for electronic cigarettes

TheMagicMist is pleased to announce that we are launching a range of replaceable ecig batteries. Available for many largest selling brands such as:



Our cartridge offerings have proven to be extremely valuable for our customers: they provide a high-quality, affordable alternative to big-brand monopoly electric cigarette companies.

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Time it takes for Nicotine to take effect


Nicotine is a damn quick acting drug. It is one of the most potent chemicals in our surrounding. As soon as it enters the body in inhalation this is what happens in the first 10-20 seconds:

  • It enters the bloodstream via the lung
  • It enters the heart and gets pumped all over the body
  • It reaches the brain crosses the blood-brain barrier and enters the brain
  • There it releases endorphins and cause pleasure and stimulate reward sensation

All this in 10-20 seconds.

Meanwhile the smoke causes degradation of all tissues including the lung. Even when ingested in vapor/e-cig or chewing gum form nicotine is not good for your health.


Do yourself a favor:

quit nicotine addition.
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Quit smoking


I know many people here either tried or wanted to quit smoking. In fact the team at TheMagicMist urge you even to quit vaping. If you can be nicotine-free that is really the best.

In this modern age looks are as important as ever. So her

e is a graphic that speaks for itself.

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What is the right level of nicotine strength for me?

So many people complain of ecigs being too weak or not satisfying it makes me wonder if they realize how strong their addiction really is? If artificially ingesting clouds of vapor/smoke is not satisfying enough then you got to tone it down a little bit. No addiction is good for god’s sake.


Hence my advice would be this in following sequence:

1) Try to quit smoking, vaping, chewing gum, etc. completely. If that is not possible:

2) Try ecigs to reduce your craving. Over time try to quit ecigs as well. If that is not possible:

3) Try to get to a lower strength of nicotine to allow your body to adjust and withdraw from the nicotine addiction. If that is not possible:

4) Try a little bit higher nicotine strength if you absolutely must so that you feel that you have killed your craving for a while. If not possible – only then

5) Go for a higher strength.

But whatever you do – do not go back to traditional cigarettes. If possible quite all forms of addiction – including electronic cigarettes.




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Electronic cigarettes in Dominican Republic

I am a traveler and I am particularly partial to the Carribean and South America. While traveling to the Dominican Republic I came across multiple cigar and novelty stores that were selling electronic cigarettes of the Green Smoke brand. As TheMagicMist folks would readily testify – GreenSmoke is among the top quality ecig companies – quite better than blu.

I decided to pop in into the cigar stores to check in on them. As you would expect cigar stores make most of their money catering to tourists who are dying to try the taboo Cubans and are willing to fork over top dollar for their-ever first puff of Cohiba and Montecristos. However away from rows of shelves of cigars and close to the checkout counter was a display case of neatly arranged GreenSmoke disposable ecigs. Tobacco and Menthol flavors. Also a GreenSmoke starter kit.

I asked the expat (Canadian?) owner of the store how these were doing. He told me that the sales are very few and some people ask questions about the product, few buy and very few repeat sales. Told me because many customers are tourists they rarely return anyway. Not many focused on improving their health especially with a cigar in hand.

Quite a contrast from the USA then – ecigs sell quite well in 7-Elevens and Tobaccco stores in the USA.

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