KANSAS: (CALL TO ACTION!) Stop a public vaping ban! Public hearing Thursday, January 23 @ 3:30 PM! Public vaping bans are not only UNNECESSARY (businesses already have the right to ban vaping,) they are based on LIES about health risks – lies that convince public to later support flavor bans, taxes, & even banning use outdoors & in private residences!votervoice.net/CASAA/campaigns/70509/respond
MARYLAND: (CALL TO ACTION!) Stop outrageous taxes on low risk alternatives to smoking! SB 3 would enact an 86% wholesale tax on vapor products and safer smoke-free tobacco products. Scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday, January 29 @ 1:00 PM!MD – Stop an Excessive Vapor Tax! (SB 3)
COMMENTARY: “The ‘vaping epidemic’ is the wrong way to frame what’s happening: It’s a vaping panic. When the damage is tallied, it could very well prove to be one of the grossest cases of media malpractice and political opportunism of the modern era.”
The vaping panic is looking eerily like the start of a new drug war
VAPE JUNK SCIENCE: The World Health Organization’s (@Who) UNSUBSTANTIATED & UNETHICAL “Q&A” misleads public to believe nicotine vapor damages teen brains, has toxic levels of chemicals, leads to smoking, burns skin, causes EVALI, has no evidence of smoking cessation, is as dangerous as smoking, etc. #QuitLying
Read expert reaction to WHO anti-vaping propaganda here: expert reaction to World Health Organisation Q&A on electronic cigarettes | Science Media Centre
Read WHO’s blatant misinformation here: E-cigarettes: how risky are they?
TRUTH IN POLICY MAKING: Flavor bans are based on claim that flavors are the driving factor for teen experimentation. CDC data clearly shows this is not true. Notably, teen vaping was down in 2016, but “curiosity” spiked between 2017-2019 with media coverage of ANTZ “moral panic.”

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This article was originally published at CASAA
Author: KNoll-Marsh